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Cost-Effective Concrete Floors

Concrete floors are cost effective, comparing favorably in price to wood flooring and ceramic or quarry tile. Even the most elaborate concrete flooring designs, with intricate designs and multiple colors, are less expensive than most terrazzo, marble, or slate—often by a wide margin.

Although there are many flooring options that are initially cheaper than concrete, when you amortize the cost of a concrete floor over its lifetime, the price can be comparable or even lower than other high-end flooring materials. A concrete floor will rarely, if ever, need replacement.

You can do things with concrete that you can't do with any other flooring material. You can't put a price tag on the self-expression possible with concrete floors. Nothing is beyond the realm of imagination.

Don't forget to factor in the costs for surface prep. The final cost for any decorative concrete surface treatment will depend on the condition of the existing floor. The total price will be higher for floors in poor condition that need a lot of prep work or complete resurfacing.

Read more about concrete floor cost.